OUR Healthy Eating BLOG

other health conditions

What to Eat for Healthy Hair

I am often asked if the foods we eat has an effect on our hair. The answer… YES! Your hair growth is just like any other major process of the body and needs to be nourished. However, hair loss d...
health and wellness

The Power Of Positive Thinking

You are either one type of person or the other in life. An optimist or pessimist. Do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty? Turns out, your answer can have a great impact on your health and...
other health conditions

What is the Gout Diet?

One of the questions I receive a lot as a Registered Dietitian is what someone should eat if they have gout. In addition, many people call into Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating wondering if our meal...
weight loss

10 Tips for Rewarding Your Weight Loss

If losing weight is your goal, then remember to take time to enjoy the journey and reward yourself properly. Taking time to reward yourself for hard work and dedication with your diet is important...
health and wellness

Healthy Valentine's Day Treats

Valentine’s Day is almost here and if you or your sweetie is focused on improving your health and wellness, you may not be interested in the traditional heart-shaped candy, chocolates, and dinner ou...
weight loss

Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

Caffeine. Many of us have a love/hate relationship with it. While caffeine does have some health benefits, it also has its drawbacks. One of the overlooked drawbacks is its effect on weight. While c...
weight loss

7 Tips to Boost Your Weight Loss

Many Americans are eager to lose weight and in fact, many are distressed about their current situation. Unfortunately, many turn to supplements for quick fixes to lose weight. However, weight loss...
health and wellness

9 Things to Avoid in 2022 for Good Health

Many people have good intentions with their New Year’s Resolutions. The most popular New Year’s resolutions of 2021were to lose weight (48%), exercise more and improve fitness (50%), improve diet (...
health and wellness

Eat This Not That During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, AKA “cookie season!” A time of wonderful food, including cookies and snacks that aren’t exactly healthy. Weeks of consuming high sugar, refined cookies can leave you...
weight loss

Losing Weight During Menopause

Losing Weight During MenopauseWHAT IS MENOPAUSE?Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when estrogen and progesterone hormones take a dip, and several symptoms start appearing. Finding natural soluti...
other health conditions

Cut Your Stroke Risk This Thanksgiving

It’s almost Thanksgiving, a time when many of us aren’t thinking about our diets and exercise patterns. But according to new research from the American Heart Association, many of the items we enjoy...