OUR Healthy Eating BLOG

health and wellness

Consumers Say NO to Artificial Food Dyes

Recently, Mars - the makers of a popular candy (M&Ms) announced it would remove artificial food dyes from its candy over a five-year period. They are listening to consumer demand for natural ingredien...
health and wellness

How Food Affects Your Mood

A number of lifestyle factors can contribute to both bad moods and depression, but one that's often overlooked is your diet.Lack of certain nutrients in the diet has been associated with depressi...
health and wellness

Healthy Eating is About Feeling Great

Healthy eating is all about feeling great, having more energy, improving your outlook, and stabilizing your mood. It shouldn’t be about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving y...
health and wellness

The Risks of Vitamins and Supplements

Are you aware of the supplements you take on a daily basis may be harmful to your health? Really, really harmful and downright deadly in fact!Supplements are something that half of all Americans consu...
health and wellness

6 Food Trends for 2016

Just like all trends, food trends come and go. Some tend to stick around for a while, while others disappear into the abyss in no time at all.As we’re in the beginning of 2016 and looking ahead to the...
health and wellness

Just Do It, Don’t Cheat!

Are you one of the many dieters making a weight loss resolution for the New Year? If so, you are not alone. There are plenty of reasons to start now, stick with it and do not cheat! Did you know that...
other health conditions

Red Meat and Cancer

You may have heard the alarming findings this week by The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research agency of The World Health Organization (WHO), said red meat and proce...
health and wellness

What's So Super About Superfoods?

Acai, chia, and turmeric, oh my! Every few months it seems there is a new superfood that has just emerged and is desperately needed for a healthy diet. But is that really the case? What happened to th...
health and wellness

The 6 Worst Salads to Eat While Dieting

When someone decides to adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle, one of the first things they realize is they may not be eating as much produce as they should be. Without a doubt this realization comes a...