OUR Healthy Eating BLOG

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Bye, Bye Trans Fats

Well, it’s official; we have said good-bye to our old ‘frenemy’ trans fats.  This is according to a new report out from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.   They have called it a pu...
health and wellness

National Women’s Health Week, Part II

Being a registered dietitian, I have my own nutrition-related tips for women as we recognize National Women’s Health Week.Here are my go-to tips for women:1. Maintain healthy weight --Reaching and ma...
health and wellness

National Women’s Health Week

My top 5 tips for women’s health, as we celebrate National Women’s Health Week this week:Eat healthy, bottom line you must consume a healthy, balanced diet for overall good health. Study after study p...
health and wellness

8 Foods You Never Want To Eat In A Buffet

Buffets are a guilty pleasure. Or maybe they are unavoidable when you’re dining on a cruise ship or squeezing in a quick lunch at the hotel salad bar. But we all have heard the buffet horror stories b...
health and wellness

Does an Apple a Day Work?

You may have heard over the years the saying that, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, not exactly but sort of, it seems. According to recent findings by researchers from the University of M...
health and wellness

Eighty Percent

Did you know that nearly 80 percent of the salt the average American eats every day comes from restaurant meals, take-out food and packaged products instead of home cooked meals? It’s true, according...
health and wellness

2015 Dietary Guidelines

You may have heard recently that there are new nutrition guidelines that are about to come about this year. I believe change is good, and I think you’ll agree these changes are long over due!First of...
health and wellness

What You Need To Know About Hemp Seeds

Marijuana's cousin provides a good source of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.Think about eating hemp seeds and what springs to mind? Maybe hippies selling hemp bracelets at music festivals? And...
health and wellness

Facts About Cheese

Do you love cheese as much as chocolate? Do you put it in the same category — as an only-sometimes treat? According to the International Dairy Foods Association, 10.6 billion pounds of cheese were pro...
health and wellness

Shape up eating habits for spring

March is National Nutrition Month and what better time to think about improving eating habits than spring.As a registered dietitian I know there are many people who desire a healthy diet, but feel lik...
health and wellness

They aren’t what they say they are

It seems that many herbal supplements aren’t what they say they are. After an ongoing investigation into supplements by the New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, testing found that four major r...
health and wellness

Healthier Fast Food

Healthier fast food, sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Well, it seems there's been some discussion recently about that very subject. And, I'm happy to say, the media has reported it correctly noting...
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