OUR Healthy Eating BLOG

weight loss

Tricks to Speed Up Weight Loss

With “swimsuit season” quickly approaching, many of us are looking for a quick weight loss fix. There are a few proven ways to lose a few pounds quickly and safely, but before buying into the latest d...
health and wellness

Does “Fresh” Always Mean Fresh?

If you are a frequent consumer of health information, you have probably heard the recommendation to “eat fresh food” quite often. But what does that actually mean? The term “fresh,” when used on the l...
health and wellness

Ways to Start Dieting if You Hate Dieting

Unfortunately, too many people associate the word “diet” with deprivation. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Let’s break it down. The word “diet” simply means the kinds of food that a person habitua...
health and wellness

Why and How to Avoid Processed Foods

Most people associate the term "processed food" with unhealthy food. While that is sometimes the case it is not the case all the time. How do you know if what you are eating is healthy? Is something t...
health and wellness

Facts About Fat

Dietary fat has long been a villain of the dietary world. Everywhere you went, the message was loud and clear: fat is bad. However, fats are making a comeback! Of course it’s not that simple, because...
health and wellness

Active Lifestyle Counters Aging

Want to live longer? Turns out, you may already be doing something good for yourself by being active and in turn lengthening your life. According to researchers in a new study, women who maintain an a...
health and wellness

How to Relieve Stress with Your Diet

In a perfect world, we would all function according to our internal clocks. But, our fast paced world demands trick our body into being awake when it’s tired, and sleepy when it’s awake. For some, thi...
weight loss

Reflecting on Your Weight Loss Journey

It’s almost the end of the year, and a great time to do some reflecting. Were you one of the millions of Americans that vowed to lose weight and get healthier in 2016? If you succeeded, wonderful! And...
health and wellness

The Power of Positive Thinking

You are either one type of person or the other in life. An optimist or pessimist. Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? Turns out, your answer can have a great impact on your health and m...

Training Yourself to Eat Healthier

Food cravings, we all have them. They are very, very common. So, how about learning to live with them without gaining weight?Food cravings are an overwhelming sensation of desire for a certain food a...
health and wellness

Foods to Chase Winter Blues Away

Do the winter blues have you down? Many people do and tend to eat more calories during these months, as a result of turning to comfort food. There are better and healthier ways to turn those frowns up...
health and wellness

Starting Your Post Thanksgiving Diet

It’s not easy to eat healthy, or even maintain weight, while the holidays are upon us. This is why so many people get their healthy eating back on track once Thanksgiving has passed. Below are some ti...