With diet-plan advertisements littering the TV and radio airwaves as well as magazines and the Internet, it seems like everybody is trying to get you to buy their diet products. And with options ranging from prepackaged meal services to coaching services to books and even mobile apps, it can be hard to choose which one will work for you and your lifestyle—not to mention your budget.

Not only that, how do you know whether the diet plan you choose will work? Will you be able to keep the weight off once you lose it and stop the diet? Will you lose any weight at all? These questions can be hard to answer without the right information. 

"Nutrition is a confusing subject for many," says Rene Ficek, a registered dietician and lead nutrition expert at Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating, a pre made fresh-meal delivery service that adheres to accepted medical diet guidelines. "There is often conflicting advice in the media, as most sources try to simplify or summarize some very complicated nutrition science findings."

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