The Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating program of portion-controlled meal plans can not only help you with your weight loss goals, but can also help alleviate and/or prevent a range of chronic health conditions and diseases. Every SSHE meal plan is designed with the latest recommendations from health professionals in mind, so whether you choose the 1,200-calorie traditional meal plan1,500-calorie vegetarian plan2,000-calorie traditional meal plan, or you're choosing a balanced diet, they may ease the symptoms and underlying causes of a number of diseases including but not limited to:

  • Diabetes. A healthy, low fat, diet has been linked to controlling and/or preventing diabetes.
  • High Blood Pressure. Our low fat and sodium restricted meal plans can naturally help reduce your blood pressure.
  • High Cholesterol. A low fat, portion-controlled diet rich in heart-healthy whole grains has been shown to help reduce levels of cholesterol over time and promote healthier arteries.
  • Congestive Heart Failure/Heart Disease. Our calorie-controlled, sodium restrictive meal plans include fresh fruits and vegetables, and wholesome, balanced meals that can help reverse cardiovascular inflammation and strain caused by an unhealthy diet.

Be sure to consult your physician or registered dietitian if you suffer from any of these conditions before making a change to your current diet. SSHE meal plans help promote weight loss, as well as overall good health through balanced nutrition and portion control; the above list is not complete and health professionals are finding new data all the time that links healthy eating with reduced risk of chronic illness.